Book your launch

Our slots are limited but the reservation is for freereserve your seat now and don't miss the opportunity to live an adrenalinic experience!

  • Tuesday: €160
  • Weekdays: €180
  • Weekend and Holidays: €200

Optional: Foto (+€70) – Foto+Video (+€90)

Once you complete your booking request, the following will happen:

  1. You will receive a confirmation email with all necessary information to prepare for your skydiving experience
  2. You will be contacted via Whatsapp by one of our instructors to double check on dates and your availability
  3. Come to our headquarters on reservation date
  4. Directly pay the cost of the experience at our headquarters, and enjoy your time with us!
    If you prefer to PAY ONLINE,
    click on the following link. 

The chosen date is not binding. In case of bad weather or unforeseen events, we can agree on another date. The name of the person making the reservation does not necessarily have to coincide with the name of the person jumping.

What will happen once I have confirmed my reservation?

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Where are we?

We are in Casale Monferratoin the Piedmont , located just an hour from MilanTurin and Genoa.

Skydiving Academy
Airport F. Hood, 15033 Casale Monferrato AL
logo tr blu accademia paracadutismo
Airport F. Hood, 15033 Casale Monferrato AL


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Promo 2024

Launch Tuesday€160